December 19, 2010

Zappadan 15

From The Brain Police who is In France comes the best Zaappadan post of the year so far.

Broken Hearts Are for Assholes.
That's right, boys and girls! That's the message for tonight, the 12th night of Zappadan, the Eve of Unpleasant Realizations, where we are forced to confront uncomfortable realities and either collapse into a ball of quivering emotional crap or GET OVER IT and do something about it.
 I have been feeling extremely let down, disappointed and disillusioned by so much of what has been coming out of the Obama administration lately. It's not just a nagging feeling of ineffectual's a feeling of a ship with out a compass. The rudder is not connected to the wheel...
 Get over there and read the rest. This guy is so right I wish I could steal his whole post and put it here. If I didn't hate facebook with a burning passion I would start a facebook fan page for this post. Broken Hearts Are for Assholes. Get out in the streets and put some fear in The Man.


microdot said...

Thenk yoo veddy much....
I try to write een zee anglaise langue but ees veddy hard for mee because of I was born in zee Detroit.....

irisclara said...

I'm from West By God Virginia mesself. Didn't them Frenchies start Detroit anyways? Ya talk Anglayse jist fine fur a furriner.

microdot said...

Iris, don't know if was because of you, but my blog had over 1000 hits yesterday! For me, that's pretty scary.
I was waiting for the counter to hit 66,666, but it happened after I went to bed...
Now I have to wait until 666,666......
I posted a piece with the G Spot Tornado Ensemble Modern video that is my "Kenny and Ronnie Booger Story" my first exposure to Zappa in 1965.

irisclara said...

Not me, but huge congrats! Since you're on Blogger you can check your referrer stats and see where all your crazy traffic is coming from. Personally I hope it's the Thor post. That's a great picture.